Hi Friends!
Thank you to all who prayed for and supported the most recent retreat for family members of fallen soldiers. We served alongside Noah’s Ark and were able to minister to 85 women and close to 100 kids.
First and foremost, we want to give God all the glory and praise for all that happened. His hand of guidance and provision was seen every step of the way and we are so grateful to be a part of the work that God is doing in Ukraine.
God gathered an amazing team of just over 100 people from roughly 15 different churches. It was so encouraging to see how everyone served in unity and loved one another and those who participated so well.
God gave us great weather! The weeks before camp and right after camp have been very hot, in the 90’s (very rare for Ukraine). The day camp started, the weather got down to the 70’s and was perfect for a tent camp the whole week. Praise God!
Most importantly, many lives were changed because of these efforts. This camp was different than last year’s camp for the same category of people. Many of the same ladies came and were able to encourage and support those who have lost a loved one in the past year.
They actually sang, prayed, and sincerely desired to hear about the hope we have in Jesus Christ. Please pray for the salvation of the families who attended. Some have started attending church and desire to get more involved with Noah’s Ark and want to volunteer and help other people in the same situation as them. Please continue to pray for strength for these precious families who are learning how to live again without their loved ones.

Every evening, the ladies had the opportunity to share their story. Many simply desired to share about the character of their husband or son. They wanted people to know the faces of Ukraine’s heroes and know how kind and brave these men were. They didn’t want people to forget.

A few ladies at camp are mom’s of Azovstal defenders. Azovstal was a huge iron and steel plant in Mariupol. It was defended by the national guard and other military and law enforcement branches when russia invaded Ukraine. In May 2022, Ukraine was forced to surrender Azovstal and over 2.5 thousand Ukrainian servicemen ended up in russian captivity.
Many died in captivity, a lady at camp shared the story of how her husband was supposed to be released, they had already done the paperwork and everything. The night before the trade was supposed to happen, the russian guards threw a bomb in the cells and killed her husband and other men and women who were inside.
Another lady begged us to let you know that her son is still being held prisoner of war to this day. She is constantly organizing peaceful protests and trying to make sure the world doesn’t forget.
Pictured above are some of the moms of the Azovstal defenders
(the 3 ladies in the middle)

There was a whole separate team that had a program for the kids from 9am-9pm. It was such a needed break for these now single moms. Many of the younger kids started calling their male leaders dad and got really attached in the 5 short days we were together. Pray for the kids of Ukraine.

I had the opportunity to lead a small group this year. To say I was nervous would be a major understatement! Yet time and time again, I am reminded that sometimes we have to step out of our comfort zone and allow God to use us. There were 4 girls in my group, each had a unique and heartbreaking story.
They shared how they were left with cars, houses, and money but no desire to live. They shared how hard it is to visit the cemetery. They shared how difficult it was when their husbands came back from the front lines with PTSD. The constant fear of alcohol and drugs taking over. The regret that maybe they could have done something more. The regret that they should have stopped them from going to fight.
They shared of the trauma and effects it has had on their children. A little 3 year old boy constantly asking to call his dad. A 9 year old boy who was now seeking help from a psychologist. These single moms are left to fend for themselves and their families.
It was an emotional camp, but oh such a blessing! I got to see these ladies who were so guarded and closed slowly start to open up and share their deepest and darkest pain, it left me in tears. The last day we cried, hugged, and prayed together. I was able to get all of their phone numbers and I am planning to keep in touch with them. Please pray that they will ultimately come to know the true hope we have in our living savior.

Below, we want to share some words of gratitude from the ladies who participated.
I sincerely thank the team for these wonderful days. Your care for us was felt at every step, in every little detail) I am going home with such a big heart that is filled with the desire to live, for that I want to say THANK YOU again and again! – Olena
I am very grateful to the team, to everyone we saw in person and for those who were on the invisible front lines. Thank you so much for what you do for all of us. After your retreats, my heart is filled with love that I want to share with everyone around me. Thanks to your efforts, organization, and wonderful freeing atmosphere, I came alive again. Last year, I was inspired and adamantly pursued my goal (goal to open a floral shop) – and I am happy that everything worked out for me. I wish that every woman is able to find something that she likes, something that will make her want to live and change our world for the better! – Nika
I want to thank you for the opportunity to feel special. For allowing me to feel God’s love thanks to the care of your team. Noah’s Ark truly became a light in the darkness for many. Infinite gratitude – Maria
Hello! I really want to thank you and your entire friendly team for the warm welcome. I can’t express the pain that our whole family is going through right now, my heart is torn in two, I miss my brave and kind husband so much… My brain is struggling with all the obstacles, I don’t know what awaits in the future, the tears are suffocating… because of you, I was able to take a breath, but of course not fully… I am asking God to take my Hero’s body home from the battlefield and return him to his home… I believe that with your support me and my daughter will rise from this abyss and find peace of mind. – Natasha .

Thank you so much for praying for Dad’s time in Ukraine. We filled his schedule with 14 different speaking engagements in 6 short days. Some of the talks were up to 4 hours long! He was an encouragement to us and so many people here. Not many foreigners are coming into Ukraine these days. Thankful for him and his time here with us. Please take the time to listen to a sermon he preached after getting back from UA called “The Church in Times of War”, it is well worth your time. Click here to listen.
Please also pray for the upcoming women’s camp we are helping with,
July 24-28.
We love ya’ll and couldn’t be doing any of this without you. Thank you for caring about us and the dear people of Ukraine.